Organic Poppy Seeds
Our Organic Poppy Seeds are a delicious nutty tasting and highly nutritious cooking condiment that adds a unique flavor and irresistible aromatic qualities to all types of dishes. Our poppy seeds are especially popular in baked goods, desserts, salads, vegetables, and curries.
Independent 3rd Party Certifications: Organic, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Kosher, Vegan
Using at home
Poppy seeds are either blue grey or ivory colored; the former is preferred in European cooking and the latter is used in Asian cooking, often as a binding agent for curries and other gravies.
In Indian dishes poppy seeds add thickness, texture, and flavor.
In western cooking poppy seeds are mainly used to flavor breads, bagels, cakes, and other desserts.
Try toasting some in a dry skillet to intensify the natural flavor before incorporating into your next stew or braise.
Sprinkle over the top of anything that is about to go into the oven to give a unique layer of fragrant rich flavor.
Poppy seeds contain many plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to beneficial for health.
Half of the net weight of poppy seeds contains essential volatile oil, rich in mono unsaturated fatty acid which may help to lower bad cholesterol.
Diets rich in mono unsaturated fatty acid are also known to be beneficial in preventing coronary artery disease.
High in dietary fiber, poppy seed can also help to absorb water down the digestive track which eases constipation problems.
BenefitsAll-natural, gluten free.
Derived from the dried fruit (pods) of the poppy plant, the seeds are entirely free from any sinister side effects opium poppy may bring to mind.
HistoryOne may first link poppy seeds to Indian cooking, but technically they are a biennial herb popular in Eastern Mediterranean cuisines as well.
Poppy seeds are known to have been harvested and used by ancient Egyptians.
Arab traders spread the cultivation of poppy plants through the Middle East, where they are best known for their opium production.
The pods of the poppy plant lose their opium properties when ripe and dried and are therefore safe to eat.
Today poppy seeds are an established crop in many European countries. Turkey, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, and Eastern Mediterranean countries produce poppy seeds fit for human consumption.
Ingredients: Organic Poppy Seeds
*Images are representations only, and may not be a direct reflection of the shipped product

Unless otherwise indicated, products are sold by weight and not by volume.
Some products may appear "less full" due to a variety of factors such as the density of the spice, contents settling during shipment, etc.
Our inner safety seals are pressure sealed and it is normal when twisting off the cap that the seal may come off, come loose, and/or tear - so long as none of the contents spill out, the product is safe to consume.
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