Organic Cardamom Pods Black (cardamom pods)
Our Organic Cardamom Pods Black (cardamom pods) differ from most standard green cardamom by being traditionally dried over flames. This process preserves some of the delicate flavors of the spice while delivering a symphony of smoky flavor and fragrance into the pods.
Independent 3rd Party Certifications: Organic, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Kosher, Vegan
Using at Home
Simply remove the inner seed and process it into a fine powder using a spice grinder, then use it how you would ground cardamom.
Black cardamom flavors lean heavily in the direction of savory making it ideal for braises, stews, and any other dish that can benefit from a layer of smoky, mouth-watering flavor.
One irresistible usage is creating a rub for your next grill session by combing the spiciness of ground ginger and the heat of chili peppers with the unique deliciousness of cardamom.
Cardamom is widely used in traditional medicines.
It can be used to treat sores in the mouth, teeth, and gums as well as soreness of the throat.
It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat stomach issues, digestive issues, dysentery, and constipation.
It is believed to be useful for breaking up kidney and gall bladder stones as well.
BenefitsThe whole seeds, instead of ground seeds, allow the potency of the spices flavor and fragrance to be preserved.
The unique menthol-like and pungent aromatic qualities combine with the near-ginger spiciness and subtle citrus notes to create a truly unique spice.
The cardamom plant is native to India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Nepal; however, Guatemala is the largest producer of commercial cardamom today followed by India.
Demand for the spice has been steadily increasing since the 1800s, with greater demand coming from China.
A German coffee planter took a liking to the pods unique culinary attributes and introduced cardamom to Central America just before WWI.
The spice's global culinary fame has made it one of the most expensive spices in the world today.
Ingredients: Organic Cardamom Black
*Images are representations only, and may not be a direct reflection of the shipped product

Unless otherwise indicated, products are sold by weight and not by volume.
Some products may appear "less full" due to a variety of factors such as the density of the spice, contents settling during shipment, etc.
Our inner safety seals are pressure sealed and it is normal when twisting off the cap that the seal may come off, come loose, and/or tear - so long as none of the contents spill out, the product is safe to consume.
For more information on our products and processes, please visit our about us page.
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